Little white Lies

1 October 2023 

Today, I really had to reflect on myself, something happened (not major) but I was smiling during the situation and it wasn’t funny. 

When it was explained back to me even I found it weird. 

Instead of saying I didn’t know why I smiled, I made a story to justify why I was smiling. It made no sense, the story that is.

I had to think, why did I not just tell the truth? I thought about a few things: the need to be right, to know everything, to have a rebuttal, having reasons during childhood arguments. 

Seriously, though I am just taking it to God and not leaning on my own understanding. Asking God to work on me and that habit, cause I don’t want to keep it anymore.

Today taught me to enjoy myself, get around without maps, and explore why I do that things I do. Lastly, take everything to God 

Like you all 😉


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